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Generating an Issuer DID


How do I generate an issuer DID for use with the issuer-node-ui?


To generate an issuer DID when running the issuer node using Docker, Docker Compose, and a makefile, use the command make generate-issuer-did. This command initializes the necessary DID information, storing it in the database and updating the .env-api file and Vault with the generated DID.

Ensure you have the .env-issuer and .env-api files prepared with the correct values as defined in the issuer node installation process before running the command. After generation, you should verify the DID in the Vault matches the ISSUER_API_UI_ISSUER_DID variable in the .env-api file by using make print-did.

Remember to restart the Docker containers (issuer_api-ui, issuer_ui, issuer_notifications, and issuer_pending_publisher) after generating or updating the DID.