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Build an app with the Flutter SDK


Follow the instructions on the Flutter docs to install and get started with Flutter and the Dart programming language.

Once your Flutter and Dart plugins are installed, you can start creating your first Flutter app.

  1. On the Terminal or Powershell, change your directory to where you want to install your app:

    cd new-app-directory
  2. Create your first app; let's call it "firstapp".

    flutter create firstapp
    flutter run

    With these commands, the Flutter SDK creates a new project from scratch.

  3. Flutter creates your app.

  4. Change your directory to your app:

    cd firstapp

In your directory, inside your app, there is a lib folder, which contains a main.dart file. This file contains the Dart code and for your own app, you will need to replace its content with your own code.

Pubspec.yaml File

In your app folder, open the pubspec.yaml in your editor. The pubspec.yaml file contains the following information about your app:

  • Name of your app
  • Description
  • Version and build number of your app
  • Environment
  • Dependencies

Add Dependencies of your app to Pubspec.yaml

Dependencies are any additional packages that your app requires to run smoothly. These dependencies can be automatically updated to the latest version by running the following command:

flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

To update the dependencies manually, change the dependency version number to the latest one.