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On-chain verification Tutorial

Implementing an ERC20 ZK Airdrop

In this tutorial, we will create an ERC20 ZK Airdrop Contract. The chosen query criterium is to be born before 01/01/2002. Users that can prove that they were born before that date will be able to get the airdrop. Otherwise, they will not. The proof submitted to the Smart Contract will not reveal any information about the specific date of birth of the user as we are using zero knowledge.


To set up a different query check out the ZK Query Language section.

This tutorial is based on the verification of a Credential of Type KYCAgeCredential with an attribute birthday with a Schema URL

The prerequisite is that users have the Polygon ID Wallet app installed and self-issued a Credential of type KYC Age Credential Merklized using our Demo Issuer


Some executable code related to this tutorial is in this repository.

Design the ERC20 zk Airdrop Contract with ZK-proof verification

Embedded ZKPVerifier Smart Contract

This is an abstract smart contract, which implements the logic of verifying ZK Proofs and saving the verification result. It is designed to be inherited by another smart contract with own business logic, which may consume proof verification functionality.

The contract is designed to work with different ZK Validator contracts and different proof requests, both or which are set by the contract owner.

Universal Verifier Smart Contract

This smart contract implements the same functionality as EmbeddedZKPVerifier Smart Contract, however it is not an abstract but a standalone contract.

The UniversalVerifier is designed to be used by multiple external contracts. Not only a UniversalVerifier owner but actually any address can set a ZKPRequest in UniversalVerifier. The only restriction for the proof request at the moment is that it should use a ZK Validator, which is whitelisted. The whitelisting is managed by the contract owner.

Let us jump into the code by writing the ERC20Verifier contract in each of the two ways.

Inheriting EmbeddedZKPVerifier abstract smart contract

We'll create a ERC20Verifier, which is an ERC20 standard contract. The extra functionality is given by the zero-knowledge proof verification. All the functions dedicated to the ZK verification are contained inside the EmbeddedZKPVerifier Contract and inherited within the ERC20Verifier. For example, users will submit their proof to claim the airdrop by calling submitZKPResponse.

The ERC20Verifier contract must define at least a single TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID. This is the Identifier of the request that the contract is making to the user.

The EmbeddedZKPVerifier Contract provides 2 hooks: _beforeProofSubmit and _afterProofSubmit.

These hooks are called before and after any proof gets submitted and can be used to create personalized logic inside your Smart Contract. In this specific case, it must be checked that the sender of the proof matches the address contained in the proof challenge. This requirement is necessary to prevent proof front-running. This condition is added inside _beforeProofSubmit.

In this specific example, the airdrop token minting is inside _afterProofSubmit, which is executed if the proof is correctly verified. Of course, the airdrop logic can be personalized according to the needs of the project. As another option, you may mint tokens to a user via a separate mint function call if the user address was verified before.

Finally, we will add another element of security inside the Smart Contract: prevent any type of token transfer unless there is a proof verification from a destination address. This last condition is added by overriding the ERC20 _update function and checking that the receiver address to of the transfer is included inside the proofs mapping.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {ERC20Upgradeable} from '@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC20/ERC20Upgradeable.sol';
import {PrimitiveTypeUtils} from '@iden3/contracts/lib/PrimitiveTypeUtils.sol';
import {ICircuitValidator} from '@iden3/contracts/interfaces/ICircuitValidator.sol';
import {EmbeddedZKPVerifier} from '@iden3/contracts/verifiers/EmbeddedZKPVerifier.sol';
contract ERC20Verifier is ERC20Upgradeable, EmbeddedZKPVerifier {
uint64 public constant TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_SIG_VALIDATOR = 1;
uint64 public constant TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_MTP_VALIDATOR = 2;
/// @custom:storage-location
struct ERC20VerifierStorage {
mapping(uint256 => address) idToAddress;
mapping(address => uint256) addressToId;
// keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(keccak256("")) - 1)) & ~bytes32(uint256(0xff))
bytes32 private constant ERC20VerifierStorageLocation =
function _getERC20VerifierStorage() private pure returns (ERC20VerifierStorage storage $) {
assembly {
$.slot := ERC20VerifierStorageLocation
modifier beforeTransfer(address to) {
'only identities who provided sig or mtp proof for transfer requests are allowed to receive tokens'
function initialize(string memory name, string memory symbol) public initializer {
ERC20VerifierStorage storage $ = _getERC20VerifierStorage();
super.__ERC20_init(name, symbol);
$.TOKEN_AMOUNT_FOR_AIRDROP_PER_ID = 5 * 10 ** uint256(decimals());
function _beforeProofSubmit(
uint64 /* requestId */,
uint256[] memory inputs,
ICircuitValidator validator
) internal view override {
// check that challenge input is address of sender
address addr = PrimitiveTypeUtils.uint256LEToAddress(
// this is linking between msg.sender and
require(_msgSender() == addr, 'address in proof is not a sender address');
function _afterProofSubmit(
uint64 requestId,
uint256[] memory inputs,
ICircuitValidator validator
) internal override {
ERC20VerifierStorage storage $ = _getERC20VerifierStorage();
if (
) {
// if proof is given for transfer request id ( mtp or sig ) and it's a first time we mint tokens to sender
uint256 id = inputs[1];
if ($.idToAddress[id] == address(0) && $.addressToId[_msgSender()] == 0) {
super._mint(_msgSender(), $.TOKEN_AMOUNT_FOR_AIRDROP_PER_ID);
$.addressToId[_msgSender()] = id;
$.idToAddress[id] = _msgSender();
function _update(
address from /* from */,
address to,
uint256 amount /* amount */
) internal override beforeTransfer(to) {
super._update(from, to, amount);
function getIdByAddress(address addr) public view returns (uint256) {
return _getERC20VerifierStorage().addressToId[addr];
function getAddressById(uint256 id) public view returns (address) {
return _getERC20VerifierStorage().idToAddress[id];
function getTokenAmountForAirdropPerId() public view returns (uint256) {
return _getERC20VerifierStorage().TOKEN_AMOUNT_FOR_AIRDROP_PER_ID;

Using Universal Verifier Smart Contract

Unlike, the previous example, the ERC20LinkedUniversalVerifier contract does not inherit the EmbeddedZKPVerifier contract. Instead, it uses the UniversalVerifier contract to check the proof result.

Unlike ERC20Verifier the ERC20LinkedUniversalVerifier does not need to implement the _beforeProofSubmit and _afterProofSubmit hooks as proof verification is assumed to be done directly to the UniversalVerifier contract by some other transaction.

In the same way the ERC20LinkedUniversalVerifier contract must define at least one TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID to get proof statuses for this request id from the UniversalVerifier.

In this example, you may mint tokens to a user via the mint function call.

Any token transfers are prevented inside beforeTokenTransfer modifier (which is invoked via mint -> _mint -> update call chain) unless there is already verification proof in UniversalVerifier, which corresponds to msg.sender address.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {ERC20} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';
import {PrimitiveTypeUtils} from '@iden3/contracts/lib/PrimitiveTypeUtils.sol';
import {ICircuitValidator} from '@iden3/contracts/interfaces/ICircuitValidator.sol';
import {EmbeddedZKPVerifier} from '@iden3/contracts/verifiers/EmbeddedZKPVerifier.sol';
import {UniversalVerifier} from '@iden3/contracts/verifiers/UniversalVerifier.sol';
contract ERC20LinkedUniversalVerifier is ERC20 {
uint64 public constant TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_SIG_VALIDATOR = 0;
uint64 public constant TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_MTP_VALIDATOR = 1;
UniversalVerifier public verifier;
uint256 public TOKEN_AMOUNT_FOR_AIRDROP_PER_ID = 5 * 10 ** uint256(decimals());
modifier beforeTokenTransfer(address to) {
verifier.getProofStatus(to, TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_SIG_VALIDATOR).isVerified ||
verifier.getProofStatus(to, TRANSFER_REQUEST_ID_MTP_VALIDATOR).isVerified,
'only identities who provided sig or mtp proof for transfer requests are allowed to receive tokens'
UniversalVerifier verifier_,
string memory name_,
string memory symbol_
) ERC20(name_, symbol_) {
verifier = verifier_;
function mint(address to) public {
function _update(
address from,
address to,
uint256 value
) internal override beforeTokenTransfer(to) {
super._update(from, to, value);

Deploy the Contract


For this tutorial, we are using the Hardhat development environment to facilitate the contract deployment. You can learn how to get started with this tool by checking their documentation.

Deploy your custom contract inherited from EmbeddedZKPVerifier

Execute this Hardhat script to deploy either ERC20Verifier. Change the verifierContract variable to the desired contract name.

import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { upgrades } from "hardhat";

async function main() {
const verifierContract = "ERC20Verifier";
const verifierName = "ERC20zkAirdrop";
const verifierSymbol = "zkERC20";

const ERC20Verifier = await ethers.getContractFactory(verifierContract);
const erc20Verifier = await upgrades.deployProxy(
[verifierName, verifierSymbol]

await erc20Verifier.waitForDeployment();
console.log(verifierName, " contract address:", await erc20Verifier.getAddress());

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

Deploy your custom contract linked to Universal Verifier smart contract

import { ethers } from 'hardhat';

async function main() {
const universalVerifierAddress = '<universal verifier address here>';
const verifierName = 'ERC20LinkedUniversalVerifier';
const verifierSymbol = 'zkERC20';

const verifier = await ethers.deployContract(
[ universalVerifierAddress, verifierName, verifierSymbol ]
await verifier.waitForDeployment();
console.log(verifierName, ' contract address:', await verifier.getAddress());

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {

The contract ERC20Verifier preferably to be deployed on the Amoi test network as there is a set of supporting validator contracts.

Set the ZKP Request & Add the Proof Request Inside a QR Code

To set up the ZKP request and easily generate a request to present to users, please visit the "Set ZKP Request" section.

Set ZKP Request

Things to Note

The scope section inside the JSON file must match the query previously set when calling the setZKPRequest function. Note that the request resembles, in most of its parts, the one designed for off-chain verification. The extra part that has been added here is the transcation_data that includes:

  • contract_address, namely the address of the Verifier contract, in this case, ERC20Verifier.
  • method_id, namely the Function Selector of the submitZKPResponse function.
  • chain_id, the ID of the chain where the Smart Contract has been deployed.
  • network, the name of the network where the Smart contract has been deployed.

To display the QR code inside your frontend, you can use the express.static built-in middleware function together with this Static Folder or this Code Sandbox. Scanning the QR with their Polygon ID Wallet, users will be able to generate proofs and send transactions to the Smart Contract in order to request credentials for their airdrops.

The same proof generation request can also be delivered to users via Deep Linking. In order to do so, it is necessary to encode the JSON file to Base64 Format. The related deep link would be iden3comm://?i_m={{base64EncodedJsonHere}}. For example, in this specific case the deep link would be: iden3comm://?i_m=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

How is the proof submission executed?

A wallet needs to call the submitZKPResponse function before it can submit the proof for the requirements set in the Airdrop Participation process. This function is defined by IZKPVerifier interface and therefore implemented in both EmbeddedZKPVerifier and UniversalVerifier contracts.

 function submitZKPResponse(
uint64 requestId,
uint256[] memory inputs,
uint256[2] memory a,
uint256[2][2] memory b,
uint256[2] memory c
) external;

Extend it to Your Own Logic

Now that you have been able to create your first on-chain ZK-based application, you can extend it to accommodate any type of imaginable logic. The target Smart Contract doesn't have to be an ERC20 but it can be an ERC721, a DeFi pool, a voting Smart Contract or whatever contract you can think of. Equally, the query can be extended to any type of existing Credential and based on the different operators available inside the ZK Query Language.

Another possibility to customize your Smart Contract involves setting different ZK requests. First of all, multiple REQUEST_ID must be defined inside the main Smart Contract. Therefore, the contract deployer can set a different query for each request ID and create different outcomes inside _afterProofSubmit according to the type of proof received. For example, an airdrop contract can verify the role of a user inside a DAO and distribute a different amount of tokens based on the role.

Estimated Gas Costs for On-Chain Verifier

The general gas cost depends on the code you put into _beforeProofSubmit and _afterProofSubmit hooks. The value we observed with our tests for submitZKPResponce functions calls was aroung 700K gas and zk proof verification function specifically costs approximately 520k gas as of January 2024.