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Get Proofs

The getProofs function uses identity to generate the zero-knowledge proofs requested by the Iden3Message Entity.

Get Proof

The getProofs() method uses Iden3MessageEntity, did, profileNonce, and privateKey as the input parameters and returns a list of Iden3commProofEntity.

Future<List<Iden3commProofEntity>> getProofs({
required Iden3MessageEntity message,
required String genesisDid,
BigInt? profileNonce,
required String privateKey,
String? challenge,
String? ethereumUrl,
String? stateContractAddr,
String? ipfsNodeUrl,
Map<int, Map<String, dynamic>>? nonRevocationProofs,
Map<String, dynamic>? transactionData,
  • Iden3MessageEntity: returned from getIden3Message method after a user scans the QR code on Issuer/Verifier website.

  • profileNonce is the nonce of the profile of an identity.

  • privateKey of the identity is a key that is used to access the sensitive information of the identity. This key is also used for generating proofs by using the credentials associated with the identity.

  • did is the unique ID of the identity.

  • Iden3commProofEntity is the object containing the proof that the Integrator sends to the Issuer/Verifier after scanning the QR code. Read more about JWZ here.

  • transactionData is an optional parameter that can be used to provide transaction data for on-chain proofs requests.


The iden3comm's getProofs method retrieves the proofs from the proof request of the Verifier. The actual proof is created by the prove() method, which you will read about in the Proof section of the APIs.

For this to happen, iden3comm makes a call to prove().