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Sign Message

In the SDK, a message can be signed using the sign() function.

Future<String> sign({
required String privateKey, required String message

The sign() function signs a message using the identity's private key.

The privateKey and the message are passed as the input parameters to the function and a signature string is returned.

privateKey of the identity is a key that is used to access the sensitive information of the identity. This key is also used for generating proofs by using the credentials associated with the identity.

message is the actual message sent by the Integrator and it needs to be signed.

Thus the role of sign() is to sign a message string for an Integrator using the identity's privateKey.


When an Integrator scans a QR code, an Iden3 message is created. This message has a challenge field from which the String message (used as an input parameter) is generated. The message is then used to sign with the identity to generate a signature string.

The Baby Jubjub private key is used to sign the message mentioned above. Read more about Baby Jubjub Elliptic Curve here.