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Iden3comm is the implementation of the messages that exist in the Iden3 protocol. It deals with different protocol message types; a few messages supported by the protocol are related to authentication, credentials, proof, and revocation.


Iden3comm supports packers that receive some data as payload and create an envelope for different types of messages.

The Iden3 protocol supports packers for messages of 2 media types: plain messages and zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) messages. These packers let you generate tokens.

ZKP Packer

For the messages of the type ZKP, the packer receives a payload (a serialized message) and ZKP parameters (the sender's DID and profile nonce) as input parameters and generates a JSON Web Zero-knowledge (JWZ) Token.

 async pack(payload: Uint8Array, params: ZKPPackerParams): Promise<Uint8Array> {
const provingMethod = await getProvingMethod(params.provingMethodAlg);
const { provingKey, wasm, dataPreparer } = this.provingParamsMap.get(

const token = new Token(
(hash: Uint8Array, circuitID: CircuitId) => {
return dataPreparer.prepare(hash, params.senderDID, circuitID);
token.setHeader(Header.Type, MediaType.ZKPMessage);
const tokenStr = await token.prove(provingKey, wasm);
return byteEncoder.encode(tokenStr);


In Iden3, a handler manages the packers described above. There are two types of handlers that the protocol supports: Authentication and Fetch Handlers.

Authentication Handler

The following steps show how the Authorization Handler works:

  1. Before the token generation, the handler can unpack the authorization message, so the user can choose the DID to log in with (it can be a private profile or public identity).

    parseAuthorizationRequest(request: Uint8Array): Promise<AuthorizationRequestMessage>;

    Click here for the API Reference.

  2. Then, it handles authorization request protocol messages and generates a token.

    did: DID,
    request: Uint8Array,
    opts?: AuthHandlerOptions
    ): Promise<{
    token: string;
    authRequest: AuthorizationRequestMessage;
    authResponse: AuthorizationResponseMessage;

It gets the payload and an identity (that can handle that request) as the input parameters, and returns a token, authorization request, and authorization response.

Click here for the API Reference.


When a user logs into a Verifier, it does not have to share its identity. Instead, it can share with it the profile as the user does not receive a credential on his/her identifier but on his/her profile. Sharing one's profile instead of his/her identity prevents the possible identity tracking by a Verifier.

Fetch Handler

The Fetch Handler handles the Credential Offer message and returns the fetched credential.

offer: Uint8Array,
opts?: FetchHandlerOptions
): Promise<W3CCredential[]>

The offer should just be passed to the function. The DID that is supposed to fetch the credential will be determined from the offer message itself.

offer is the offer message that the Fetch handler receives.

The handler returns a Verifiable Credential in the W3C format.

Read more about iden3comm here.

Click here for the API Reference.

If you want to work with JWS instead of JWZ technology during the authorization or credential fetching you need to pass parameters to these functions.

let params = {
mediaType: MediaType;
packerOptions?: JWSPackerParams;

where mediaType is the media type of iden3comm protocol and packerOptions are JWS required parameters.